about our church

what's it like being at the met?

We invite you to watch the video above to see how our Met family feels about our community!

a bit of the met's history...

  • Founded in April, 1970, by Howard Williams and a group of twelve; 33 attended the first worship service at Chapel of the Chimes.
  • June, 1970, Rev. John Paul Stevens was elected first pastor of MCCSD.
  • June, 1970, MCCSD begins to meet at Chollas View Methodist Church.
  • November, 1970, Rev. Elder “Papa” John Hose elected as second pastor.
  • By the end of 1971, MCCSD grows to just under 100.
  • By June of 1972, MCCSD membership tops 200.
  • August of 1974, Deacon David Farrell becomes Lay Pastoral Leader.
  • May 6, 1975, MCCSD closes escrow on Fern Street church property.
  • July of 1975, Rev. David Farrell elected as third pastor of MCCSD.
  • Between 1975 and 1980, MCCSD membership grows to over 400.
  • August 18, 1982, MCCSD closes escrow on 30th Street church property.
  • November 14, 1982, new MCCSD church campus dedicated, with a new budget of $147,831.12 (4,500% increase)
  • Between 1983 and 1989, AIDS takes the lives of over 1/3 of MCCSD membership.
  • January of 1986, first International AIDS Vigil of Prayer, which evolves into World Aids Day
  • June of 1990, MCCSD celebrates 20th Anniversary.
  • December of 1995, Rev. Farrell retires after 20 years as Senior Pastor.
  • January, 1996, Rev. Dr. Dusty Pruitt appointed Interim Senior Pastor.
  • July, 1996, Rev. Anthony “Tony” Freeman elected fourth Senior Pastor of MCCSD.
  • August 3, 1996, Rev. Tony Freeman installed as Senior Pastor.
  • By August of 1997, MCCSD membership grows to over 300.
  • December, 1998, with over 800 in attendance, MCCSD holds Christmas Eve service at the Spreckels Theatre in San Diego.
  • June 2-4, 2000, MCCSD celebrates its 30th Anniversary.
  • On Pentecost Sunday, June 11, 2000, Rev. Tony Freeman casts a bold new vision.
  • June 12, 2000, the congregation of MCC San Diego enters in a 14-month period of Fundamental Transformation, seeking to follow God’s will to become a new church for the 21st Century.
  • June, 10, 2001, The Journey to the Promise, seeking to meet the space needs for our growing ministries, kicks off in a big way with nearly $150,000 in donations and pledges. 2002…the critical 400 weekly attendance barrier is broken consistently.
  • June 8, 2003, Miracle Sunday garners nearly $900,000 in pledges for a Building Dreams Together Capital Campaign, toward a new church home.
  • July 27, 2003, with the 30th Street property in escrow, MCC San Diego holds its last worship service at that church campus.
  • August 3, 2003, the first worship services are held at the interim worship location at The Center in Hillcrest.
  • August 18, 2003, the Church Ministry Offices move to interim location at 4340 Vandever Ave. in Mission Valley.
  • August 20, 2003, escrow closes on the 30th Street property.
  • 2004... the Property Aquisition Team continues to actively seek an appropriate church property to meet our ministry needs.
  • September 2004, Spritual Transformation Team forms to faclitate discerning how we can most effectively be together as a faith community and be the church God is calling us to be.
  • October, 2005, Pastor Tony Freeman announces this will be his last year as Senior Pastor. (Later determined he will leave in March, 2006); a Pastoral Search Committee is formed
  • January 8, 2006, Associate Pastor Dan Koeshall’s last Sunday as he goes to Colorado Springs to serve as Interim Pastor at Pikes Peak MCC.
  • January 29, 2006, the Board of Directors announces that Rev. Elder John Gill of King of Peace MCC in St. Petersburg, will be the Interim Senior Pastor.
  • April, 2006, Rev. John Gill takes the helm Interim Senior Pastor.
  • 2006 & 2007, the Property Acquisition Team continues to actively seek an appropriate church property to meet our ministry needs; the Pastoral Transition Team guides us through a period of celebration, evaluation and discernment.
  • August, 2007, the Pastoral Search Team is activated and the search process moves into high gear.
  • November, 2007, Rev. Dan Koeshall called as senior pastor, to begin serving mid January 2008
  • January 20, 2008 Rev. Dan Koeshall celebrates his first Sunday as senior pastor.
  • September 1, 2009: At about 2 PM, Pastor Dan received the word we had been awaiting: escrow had closed on a new church home at Mission Bay.
  • October 11, 2009: The first worship services in our new church home at 2633 Denver Street, with over 400 people in attendance!
  • November 21-22, 2009: Dedication of our church by the bay. Watch MCC Moderator Nancy Wilson's remarks on the history and mission of our denomination.
  • On October 6, 2010, we were hit with a "flood" from rain on the roof and openings from HVAC upgrading. The resulting $300K in damage and renovation (virtually all paid by insurance) proved a blessing in disguise with numerous upgrades and improvements.
  • June 4-6, 2015, The Metropolitan Community Church of San Diego celebrated its 45th anniversary!
  • May 2016, solar panels installed making us a greener congregation.
  • January 2018, we celebrated Pastor Dan's 10th anniversary as our senior pastor.

Church Bylaws

We encourage everyone to read our church bylaws, as they provide a clear understanding of how our church operates and the principles that guide our decision-making. Familiarizing yourself with the bylaws can help you better engage with our community, participate in church governance, and ensure that our collective actions align with our shared values.