let us pray for you

If you have a prayer request, please feel free to fill out the form below.  Please note that you can make your request public or specify that only our staff and Care Team will receive it.  We also invite you to incorporate the prayer requests on this page into your prayer life.  Let's support one another!

Prayer Requests

Below are the prayer requests we have received that were asked to be made public.  Please consider praying for these individuals.


Dear Brethren in Christ Jesus around the world, It is with deep humility, respect, and profound thanks that I appeal to you to offer a plethora of Holy Ghost- guided prayers to enable me to get a world-class job with the World Bank Office in Nairobi, Kenya. On the 1st of February, 2025, I applied for a job at the World Bank Kenya Country Office to work as a Team Assistant. I am a saved and born again Christian. I got saved in 1997 and I am totally convinced that the Lord GOD Almighty is all-powerful and indomitable and full of great miracles, signs, and wonders and will take me to the World Bank Group because GOD raises the poor from the dust and the needy from the ashes and makes them inherit the throne of glory. Kindly note that I am a faithful tither. I do pay ten per cent of my official salary to the Most High GOD on a monthly basis year in, year out. When I get this exciting career with the World Bank, I will be faithful with tithes and offerings as commanded in Malachi 3:10,11, and 12. Then the GOD's Kingdom will gain heavily! Please kindly pray and tell the Lord GOD never to allow this job to be given to any other person who is NOT Daniel Moi Osala. Remember that what we permit on earth is permitted in Heaven and what we prohibit on earth is also prohibited in Heaven. Only permit DANIEL MOI OSALA to be hired as TEAM ASSISTANT for the WORLD BANK OFFICE in NAIROBI. Refuse in prayers and never allow this exciting career at the World Bank to be taken by the children of the devil who CANNOT PAY TITHE TO THE LORD GOD BUT SQUANDER COLOSSAL AMOUNT OF MONEY ON HARLOTS AND WHORES!!!!. Kindly also discover that I am an orphan. Both of my parents died in 1998 and 2002. But by the grace of GOD, I hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - General and Master of Education in Advanced Teaching from the UNIVERSITY OF THE PEOPLE in California, United States. I am also currently jobless!!!! Please pray to terminate my suffering once and for all. Your loving kindness is highly appreciated in advance! Yours faithfully and respectfully, Daniel Moi Osala Mombasa, Kenya. +254 710 500 765 +254 791 159 666 +254 752 300 373


Pray Jesus the great Physician heal Dr VIOLA CLEO BRADSHAW, queen of Egypt, Virgin daughter of Egypt, from Alzheimers disease and all diseases as it promises in Psalm 103:3 read , i need brainstem healing after injury in war crimes of torture of sleep deprivation, demonic possession in brain, mind, soul, body needs deliverance, and give me a joyful heart which is good medicine, so none of the diseases of Egypt harm me, and destroy the works of the devil and stop the devil from stealing my soul and abusing my face. " and he passed by Moses Proclaiming Jehovah the Lord God, gracious and merciful, abounding in love, maintaining love for thousands, slow to anger, forgiving of rebellion wickedness sin, abundant in goodness and truth," Exodus 34:4. Jesus is a great teacher. Pray for world peace.


Please, pray for Jason, Cale, Michele, Jacque’s salvation/rededication and for Stacey, Tecla, Marlize, and my relationships with them to grow. Jason and Jacque don't believe God exists. Michele and Cale have wandered from a personal relationship with Jesus. Stacey, Tecla, Marlize, and I want them to come back and to love Jesus with us. Thank you!


Prayer Confidential


Please pray I get a new car loan! Please pray I can get 2 credit cards! Please pray I get a good paying second job I can keep for a year! And keep 1st job for a year! Please pray I won’t be homeless! Pray God will provide for my financial needs!