
Worship is at the heart of everything we do at The Met.  We put a lot of thought and care into how we approach worship and the great news for you is that you're not only invited to attend, but you're also invited to fully participate if you feel led!

  • Usher Team

    Ushers greet people at the door with friendly smiles and guide people to their seats.  They pass the collection basket and assist in guiding people toward communion servers.  Ushers are the first impression of the church and are vital to our services.

  • The Altar Team

    The Altar Team is responsible for staging the altar for services and maintaining seasonal decor on the platform.  They assist in serving communion and tidying the altar space after service.

  • Platform Ministry

    Platform ministers offer their gifts during our Sunday services in the form of scripture reading, leading responsive worship, offering community and offertory prayers.

  • Choir

    Music is so important at The Met!  Our talented, energetic choir performs every Sunday service and is always looking for new voices.  If you enjoy singing, you might consider attending a Choir Practice, held every Tuesday at 7 PM.

  • Hospitality

    Our Hospitality ministry is dedicated to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who walk through our doors. By offering warmth, nourishment, and practical support, we strive to reflect Christ's love and build a strong, connected community.