
Worship is at the heart of everything we do at The Met.  We put a lot of thought and care into how we approach worship and the great news for you is that you're not only invited to attend, but you're also invited to fully participate if you feel led!

  • Altar Team

    The Altar Team is responsible for staging the altar for services and maintaining seasonal decor on the platform.  They assist in serving communion and tidying the altar space after service.

  • Celebration Choir & Band

    The Celebration Choir & Band provides music for Sunday worship services and other church events. They uplift the congregation by leading praise and worship. If you enjoy music, consider attending a Choir Practice, held on-site every Tuesday at 6:30 PM.

  • Church Decoration

    Church Decoration enhances the worship experience by thoughtfully arranging seasonal and liturgical decorations that reflect the spirit of each church service. Through creative expression, this ministry helps create a sacred and welcoming space that inspires reverence, reflection, and a deeper connection to God.

  • Communion Servers

    Communion Servers play a vital role in worship by assisting in the preparation and distribution of the elements. Through their service, they help foster a sacred and inclusive atmosphere, ensuring all who come to the table experience the grace and love of Christ in this meaningful sacrament.

  • Media Team

    The Media Team supports worship by managing the audio, visual, and lighting elements of services and events. Their technical expertise ensures a seamless experience, helping to communicate the message clearly and engagingly while enhancing the overall atmosphere for both in-person and online participants.

  • Platform Ministry

    Platform Ministers offer their gifts in support of Sunday services by sharing community-wide Announcements, reading Scripture, leading Responsive Worship, praying for the community, blessing our offering, and celebrating communion.

  • Usher Team

    Ushers greet visitors and congregants at the door, assist with seating, and distribute service materials. They help facilitate a smooth worship experience by managing the offertory and guiding people toward communion servers. Ushers play a key role in creating a warm and hospitable environment for all who enter the church.